Staying home, keeping safe

Staying home, keeping safe

Greetings from Mykanos. It has been a while since my last Letter, and this one was to be done in May, but then May sort of flowed from April and blended into June, and well, you know how this state of suspended animation called ‘lockdown’ operates. Originally, lockdown started here on March 25 and was due […]

A dog’s life

A dog’s life

Greetings from Mykanos. I’ve been asked about our animals, so I thought a report from the home front might not go astray… Many of you might find this very boring as it is mostly about dogs, with some plants thrown in. Over the years however, with a few notable exceptions such as Mac in London […]

Political and tropical storms

Political and tropical storms

Greetings from Mykanos. It’s very lush and green here at the moment, the result of a lot of rain. It has rained almost every day and now it’s time for some sun to get the coffee cherries ready for the cosecha, which will start in September. Mykanos’ location, right in the middle of the tropics, […]

A sabbatical of sorts

A sabbatical of sorts

Greetings from Bogotá. I am here on a sabbatical of sorts, taking a short break from the farm and spending a solitary sojourn in the city. It’s good to have a change of scenery after all the doings and drama of Christmas and New Year, and as much as I would like Adriano to be […]